Green Scenery finalized the study “Contribution of the UN Peace Building Fund to Women’s Economic Empowerment and Peace. A Participatory Rural Poverty Assessment of the Project”
Green Scenery is one of the Implementing Partners of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UNFAO) of the project entitled “Creating Peaceful Societies through Improved Access to Women’s Management of Natural Resources, Land Tenure Rights and Economic Empowerment in Sierra Leone”. The project was supported by the United Nations Peace Building Fund (UNPBF). Green Scenery implemented as part of the overall project in Port Loko district.
This study was to interrogate the second outcome of the intervention which states: Sustained peace in the household due to increased income and domestic food and nutrition security through women’s livelihood activities and village saving scheme. We wanted to find out whether the PBF support added value to the empowerment of women by improving women’s income, and to what extent in the home. What is or would be the degree of peace that would exist in the home if there is improvement in income and food?
We used a combination of methods to elicit data and information as seen in the methodology. We emphasised participatory approach to determine the outcome of this study. The study had a fixed pre-determined sample size of 60 participants who are the beneficiaries of the above listed project. These participants are equally spread among the four villages of Kalangba, Matete, Rosint and Rokupr Wosie, implying 15 beneficiaries per village. The analysis, findings of each village relates exclusively to the 15 beneficiaries. We used the sustainable livelihood frame work to determine the status of the beneficiaries in terms of indebtedness or savings by simply calculating income against expenditure of their normal livelihood strategies. We further explored the income derived from the additional farming support from the UNPBF. We quantized the derivatives of the farming outputs and monetized it to arrive at the income generated from farming activity supported by PBF. We then undertook a simple gap analysis by simple difference between income versus expenditure of what obtained before the PBF project support and income derived from PBF support.
Green Scenery 09/07/2020