Green Scenery Sierra Leone Organized Three Days  Workshops For The   Development  Of Climate Change Advocacy Plan

Green Scenery Sierra Leone Organized Three Days Workshops For The Development Of Climate Change Advocacy Plan

From the  15th to the 17th August 2023,Green Scenery organized three days  Stakeholders Consultative Meetings/workshops for   the  development  of   climate change  advocacy plan and Strategy for the restoration and protections…

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Green Scenery Engaged Stakeholders and Communities on The Customary Land Rights Act and the National Land Commission Act 2022

Green Scenery Engaged Stakeholders and Communities on The Customary Land Rights Act and the National Land Commission Act 2022

On Saturday 12th August ,2023, With Support from Christian Aid through the implementation of the Irish Aid Programs Grant (IAPG111), Green Scenery raised the awareness of community members, and other…

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Green Scenery Boosts the Capacities of the Districts Multi stakeholders Platform (DMSP) to Manage Land Conflicts and Protect Customary Land rights in Pujehun, Port Loko and Bombali Districts.

Following the persistent increases in land rights abuse, tensions and sporadic conflicts over land in Sierra Leone, In 2020 Green Scenery  a rights based civil Society  Organisation on natural Resources…

Continue Reading Green Scenery Boosts the Capacities of the Districts Multi stakeholders Platform (DMSP) to Manage Land Conflicts and Protect Customary Land rights in Pujehun, Port Loko and Bombali Districts.

Green Scenery and Christian Aid Sierra Leone Organized Joint Monitoring Exercise in PortLoko District

August 20/2023,Christian aid Sierra Leone( CASL ) and Green Scenery a partners organization  working with   Christian aid Sierra Leone  organized a joint Monitoring exercise in PortLoko District ,one of Green…

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Ministry of Lands Signed M.O.U with Council of Paramount Chiefs on Land Reform

Ministry of Lands Signed M.O.U with Council of Paramount Chiefs on Land Reform

In June 2023, the Sierra Leone Land Administration Project (SLLAP), the  National Council of Paramount Chiefs and Civil Society Organizations signed a partnership agreement (Memorandum of Understanding-MOU), for the efficient…

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Christian Aid Sierra Leone Kick Start Three Days Stakeholders’ Capacity Building in Security Management
Christain Aid Partners Capacity Building Trainin In security Management

Christian Aid Sierra Leone Kick Start Three Days Stakeholders’ Capacity Building in Security Management

On Tuesday 18/July/2023, at family kingdom Freetown, Christian Aid Siera Leone, kick starts  three-day capacity-building training for partners and other relevant stakeholders in security management. The training targeted key relevant…

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Green Scenery Organized Capacity Building Training for District Multi Stakeholders on the New Land Laws-Pujehun

On the 28th and the 29th of December 2022, with support from Sierra Leone Network on the Rights to Food (SILNORF) Makeni, Green Scenery organised two days capacity building training…

Continue Reading Green Scenery Organized Capacity Building Training for District Multi Stakeholders on the New Land Laws-Pujehun