Become part of Green Scenery’s activities for change.
- Tree planting to stop deforestation,
- School stipends for girls to promote gender equality,
- Community peacebuilders to solve conflicts peacefully,
- Water wells and sanction facilities for community development,
- Advocacy campaigns for good governance and social responsibility!
Your donation – big or small – helps us to intensify our efforts!
Please support our work:
Green Scenery
Rokel Commercial Bank
Shiaka Stevens Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Bank Account Number: 1770264
Intermediate bank details:
Barclays Bank PLC
London EC4N 8JA
Barclay’s swift code: BARCGB22
Rokel Commercial Bank (SL) Account No.
Euro A/C # 20325357222633
IBAN: # GB77BARC20225357222633
Swift Code: RCBKSLFR
Thank you for your support!