Green scenery and Land for Life (SLE) Kick Start Structural Engagement and Follow up Visit with The District Multi Stakeholders Platform on Land Governance in Pujehun District.
GS and Land for Life DMSP Meeting Pujehun.

Green scenery and Land for Life (SLE) Kick Start Structural Engagement and Follow up Visit with The District Multi Stakeholders Platform on Land Governance in Pujehun District.

As part of the efforts to enhance sustainable local solutions to  complex and emerging land governance issues in Sierra Leone, Green Scenery and Land for Life initiated the District Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (DMSPs),  an arbiter of locally led approach, aim   at improving and monitoring responsible governance of tenure. It’s a Multi-actors and multi-sectorial  approach that creates an inclusive forum where different actors with diverse power, interests  and influences discussing  wide range of issues  and proffers  sustainable solutions to improve governance of tenure, hence  provide better access and opportunities to natural resources governance at local levels.

However, on the 31st, May 2024, Green Scenery and Land for Life (SLE), kick-starts six days structural engagement and follow up visit with the District Multi Stakeholders Platform (DMSP) In Pujehun District. The exercise is a structural engagements and a follow up visit in nature, aims to assess the progress of the DMSPs, following the three-days technical sessions held in Makeni, April 2024(see website .

The sessions further  focuses on enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of DMSPs, in addressing natural resource governance, social justice, tenure security,  and other land-related conflicts in Green Scenery and Land for Life operational areas (Pujehun, Kenema, Kambia, PortLoko, Bombali  and Tonkolili districts).

Key outcomes of the intervention includes: broadening DMSPs  understanding on the scope and mandates, defining priority issues and objectives, examine and finalized DMSPs work plans, develop  governance structure, and mapped stakeholders that are relevant to the DMSP work . The interventions   further aim at evaluating the implementation of the previous agreed actions, facilitating the completion of unfinished tasks, and reinforce the DMSPs governance structure.

The engagement in Pujehun district attracted the attentions of Government representatives, CSOs, CBOs, Media, Traditional authorities, Persons with disabilities, Private sectors, Academicians, and Inter Religious Council. The exercise started in Pujehun district, and hope to continue in Kenema, Kambia, PortLoko, Bombali and Tonkolili districts respectively.